The Official Game

The 31th Tournament Table of Matchups
Name1th round2th round3th round4th round5th round6th roundQuarterfinalSemifinalsFinal
 山田高校1th round
The 1th game
Start of game
The 1th game
The 1th game
The 1th game
The 1th game
The 1th game
The 1th game
The 1th game
The 1th game
 串木野高校1th round
The 2th game
Start of game
 結束バンド高校1th round
The 3th game
Start of game
The 2th game
 都立小金井北高校1th round
The 4th game
Start of game
 巣應高校1th round
The 5th game
Start of game
The 3th game
The 2th game
 日本高校1th round
The 6th game
Start of game
 idki1th round
The 7th game
Start of game
The 4th game
 明皇高校1th round
The 8th game
Start of game
 岡本高校1th round
The 9th game
Start of game
The 5th game
The 3th game
The 2th game
 ううういい1th round
The 10th game
Start of game
 市立船橋 天才高校船橋1th round
The 11th game
Start of game
The 6th game
 秀翠学舘1th round
The 12th game
Start of game
 月華学園月華1th round
The 13th game
Start of game
The 7th game
The 4th game
 青森ガハマシンデレラ1th round
The 14th game
Start of game
 須磨東高校1th round
The 15th game
Start of game
The 8th game
 千葉工業高中1th round
The 16th game
Start of game
 Hole schoolH
 東海大相模Bチーム東B1th round
The 17th game
Start of game
The 9th game
The 5th game
The 3th game
The 2th game
 アッティラ蛮族1th round
The 18th game
Start of game
 お馬さんごっど高専馬神1th round
The 19th game
Start of game
The 10th game
 neab高校n1th round
The 20th game
Start of game
 親高校1th round
The 21th game
Start of game
The 11th game
The 6th game
 東海大相模Cチーム東C1th round
The 22th game
Start of game
 三方原高校1th round
The 23th game
Start of game
The 12th game
 バランス猫‼️高校1th round
The 24th game
Start of game
 かあvsじうfhぶhしw1th round
The 25th game
Start of game
The 13th game
The 7th game
The 4th game
 室蘭清水ヶ丘高校1th round
The 26th game
Start of game
 全国代表選抜者高校1th round
The 27th game
Start of game
The 14th game
 東北ずんだ高校ずん1th round
The 28th game
Start of game
 ‼️山猫‼️高校1th round
The 29th game
Start of game
The 15th game
The 8th game
 ソフトバンクH1th round
The 30th game
Start of game
 NonameN1th round
The 31th game
Start of game
The 16th game
 1th round
The 32th game
Start of game
 鳥越高校1th round
The 33th game
Start of game
The 17th game
The 9th game
The 5th game
The 3th game
The 2th game
 明訓高校1th round
The 34th game
Start of game
 深夜立事起こし高校1th round
The 35th game
Start of game
The 18th game
 ちん学園L学1th round
The 36th game
Start of game
 優秀学園1th round
The 37th game
Start of game
The 19th game
The 10th game
 水瓶高校1th round
The 38th game
Start of game
 猫兵戸南学院大学付属学校1th round
The 39th game
Start of game
The 20th game
 市立船橋 天才高校3市船1th round
The 40th game
Start of game
 薩北高校1th round
The 41th game
Start of game
The 21th game
The 11th game
The 6th game
 いたる1th round
The 42th game
Start of game
 psぱ高校p1th round
The 43th game
Start of game
The 22th game
 掛川高校1th round
The 44th game
Start of game
 鹿島台高校鹿1th round
The 45th game
Start of game
The 23th game
The 12th game
 新時代1th round
The 46th game
Start of game
 大阪東高校1th round
The 47th game
Start of game
The 24th game
 オールナイトAN1th round
The 48th game
Start of game
 浦打音高校1th round
The 49th game
Start of game
The 25th game
The 13th game
The 7th game
The 4th game
 雲南高校1th round
The 50th game
Start of game
 近江1th round
The 51th game
Start of game
The 26th game
 吉田高校1th round
The 52th game
Start of game
 はんなり高校1th round
The 53th game
Start of game
The 27th game
The 14th game
 河内高校1th round
The 54th game
Start of game
 名無し高校1th round
The 55th game
Start of game
The 28th game
 三次高校1th round
The 56th game
Start of game
 成宮学院高校成学1th round
The 57th game
Start of game
The 29th game
The 15th game
The 8th game
 裏安1th round
The 58th game
Start of game
 藁藁軍団1th round
The 59th game
Start of game
The 30th game
 第一福岡高等学校1th round
The 60th game
Start of game
 神戸星章高校1th round
The 61th game
Start of game
The 31th game
The 16th game
 高木高校1th round
The 62th game
Start of game
 マジ学園うるしー高校1th round
The 63th game
Start of game
The 32th game
 NYヤンキース高校N1th round
The 64th game
Start of game
 火国高校1th round
The 65th game
Start of game
The 33th game
The 17th game
The 9th game
The 5th game
The 3th game
The 2th game
 根本高校1th round
The 66th game
Start of game
 おさーる高校1th round
The 67th game
Start of game
The 34th game
 白陵1th round
The 68th game
Start of game
 Aiueo高校1th round
The 69th game
Start of game
The 35th game
The 18th game
 六甲学院高校六甲1th round
The 70th game
Start of game
 埼玉高校1th round
The 71th game
Start of game
The 36th game
 お金高校1th round
The 72th game
Start of game
 西浦高校西1th round
The 73th game
Start of game
The 37th game
The 19th game
The 10th game
 弘前実業高校藤崎校舎1th round
The 74th game
Start of game
 九色高校1th round
The 75th game
Start of game
The 38th game
 むにまるず1th round
The 76th game
Start of game
 成明高校1th round
The 77th game
Start of game
The 39th game
The 20th game
 埜祖高校1th round
The 78th game
Start of game
 神高校1th round
The 79th game
Start of game
The 40th game
 柴田高校1th round
The 80th game
Start of game
 阪神タイガ高校1th round
The 81th game
Start of game
The 41th game
The 21th game
The 11th game
The 6th game
 るる高校1th round
The 82th game
Start of game
 アヴァンギャルド1th round
The 83th game
Start of game
The 42th game
 輝高校1th round
The 84th game
Start of game
 下館高校1th round
The 85th game
Start of game
The 43th game
The 22th game
 上田高校1th round
The 86th game
Start of game
 大分専門高等学校大専1th round
The 87th game
Start of game
The 44th game
 一宮高校一宮1th round
The 88th game
Start of game
 帝国ジャビアーノ学園1th round
The 89th game
Start of game
The 45th game
The 23th game
The 12th game
 成宮国際大附属高校1th round
The 90th game
Start of game
 富士山タイガーズ1th round
The 91th game
Start of game
The 46th game
 ほくほく星高校1th round
The 92th game
Start of game
 川内高校1th round
The 93th game
Start of game
The 47th game
The 24th game
 浅川高校1th round
The 94th game
Start of game
 ❤可愛いい猫猫❤!?1th round
The 95th game
Start of game
The 48th game
 いっぱごぱご1th round
The 96th game
Start of game
 千切高校1th round
The 97th game
Start of game
The 49th game
The 25th game
The 13th game
The 7th game
The 4th game
 みどりようちえん1th round
The 98th game
Start of game
 野球専門高校1th round
The 99th game
Start of game
The 50th game
 三国志の覇権1th round
The 100th game
Start of game
 工藤高校1th round
The 101th game
Start of game
The 51th game
The 26th game
 汁汁高校1th round
The 102th game
Start of game
 近江山田陽翔高校1th round
The 103th game
Start of game
The 52th game
 UkrainaU1th round
The 104th game
Start of game
 Sky ore高校S1th round
The 105th game
Start of game
The 53th game
The 27th game
The 14th game
 青森山田高校1th round
The 106th game
Start of game
 栃木高校1th round
The 107th game
Start of game
The 54th game
 沼田高校1th round
The 108th game
Start of game
 スポーツ高校スポ1th round
The 109th game
Start of game
The 55th game
The 28th game
 帝国立モフモフ高等学校1th round
The 110th game
Start of game
 魁星1th round
The 111th game
Start of game
The 56th game
 鳴尾大附属高校1th round
The 112th game
Start of game
 森の学校森学1th round
The 113th game
Start of game
The 57th game
The 29th game
The 15th game
The 8th game
 阪神タイガース高校1th round
The 114th game
Start of game
 社高校1th round
The 115th game
Start of game
The 58th game
 高校1th round
The 116th game
Start of game
 敦賀高校1th round
The 117th game
Start of game
The 59th game
The 30th game
 宇和島高校1th round
The 118th game
Start of game
 琉球学苑1th round
The 119th game
Start of game
The 60th game
 音更町高校1th round
The 120th game
Start of game
 山本高校1th round
The 121th game
Start of game
The 61th game
The 31th game
The 16th game
 森高校1th round
The 122th game
Start of game
 中島高校1th round
The 123th game
Start of game
The 62th game
 死体蹴り高校1th round
The 124th game
Start of game
 中京大中京高校1th round
The 125th game
Start of game
The 63th game
The 32th game
 南極のぺんぎん1th round
The 126th game
Start of game
 にごなな1th round
The 127th game
Start of game
The 64th game
 こち亀高校1th round
The 128th game
Start of game
 快速高専1th round
The 129th game
Start of game
The 65th game
The 33th game
The 17th game
The 9th game
The 5th game
The 3th game
The 2th game
 鷹匠高校1th round
The 130th game
Start of game
 佐藤高校1th round
The 131th game
Start of game
The 66th game
 熊本大学附属緑清高等学校1th round
The 132th game
Start of game
 推理高校1th round
The 133th game
Start of game
The 67th game
The 34th game
 中華人民ホロライブ1th round
The 134th game
Start of game
 岸岳高校1th round
The 135th game
Start of game
The 68th game
 真田丸1th round
The 136th game
Start of game
 たけのこ高校1th round
The 137th game
Start of game
The 69th game
The 35th game
The 18th game
 胆地魔毛1th round
The 138th game
Start of game
 いたる高校1th round
The 139th game
Start of game
The 70th game
 青森高校1th round
The 140th game
Start of game
 華山学園高校1th round
The 141th game
Start of game
The 71th game
The 36th game
 大和1th round
The 142th game
Start of game
 掘り掘り1th round
The 143th game
Start of game
The 72th game
 広陵高校1th round
The 144th game
Start of game
 学院キタ━(゚∀゚)━!1th round
The 145th game
Start of game
The 73th game
The 37th game
The 19th game
The 10th game
 明訓高校1th round
The 146th game
Start of game
 たけのこ高校1th round
The 147th game
Start of game
The 74th game
 東京ヤクルトスワローズ1th round
The 148th game
Start of game
 ‼️飼い猫‼️高校‼️1th round
The 149th game
Start of game
The 75th game
The 38th game
 百折不撓高校1th round
The 150th game
Start of game
 山本高校1th round
The 151th game
Start of game
The 76th game
 墨谷高校1th round
The 152th game
Start of game
 あい1th round
The 153th game
Start of game
The 77th game
The 39th game
The 20th game
 妖怪高校1th round
The 154th game
Start of game
 秀才高校1th round
The 155th game
Start of game
The 78th game
 国立個人の感想高校1th round
The 156th game
Start of game
 越山高校1th round
The 157th game
Start of game
The 79th game
The 40th game
 國儡高校1th round
The 158th game
Start of game
 上福岡高校1th round
The 159th game
Start of game
The 80th game
 ヘリウムガス1th round
The 160th game
Start of game
 神戸大学付属高校神高1th round
The 161th game
Start of game
The 81th game
The 41th game
The 21th game
The 11th game
The 6th game
 成明高校1th round
The 162th game
Start of game
 凛高校1th round
The 163th game
Start of game
The 82th game
 鈴木高校1th round
The 164th game
Start of game
 県立私営静岡東洋高校1th round
The 165th game
Start of game
The 83th game
The 42th game
 私立ルミナス学園1th round
The 166th game
Start of game
 東海大相模Eチーム東E1th round
The 167th game
Start of game
The 84th game
 ネ申義塾1th round
The 168th game
Start of game
 Yuu高校Y1th round
The 169th game
Start of game
The 85th game
The 43th game
The 22th game
 生駒西高校The 86th game
 都立北海道高校++The 87th game
The 44th game
 可愛い猫⁉️高校The 88th game
 No name高校NoThe 89th game
The 45th game
The 23th game
The 12th game
 バウアー96高校The 90th game
 読売高校The 91th game
The 46th game
 ドラ学校The 92th game
 中西高校The 93th game
The 47th game
The 24th game
 紅蓮高校The 94th game
 佐々木城北高校The 95th game
The 48th game
 大和高校The 96th game
 石神井高校The 97th game
The 49th game
The 25th game
The 13th game
The 7th game
The 4th game
 輝天高校The 98th game
 灘高等学校The 99th game
The 50th game
 今チームえぇ感じ高校The 100th game
 聖閣東芸夢学園The 101th game
The 51th game
The 26th game
 TOKYO高校TThe 102th game
 和泉高校The 103th game
The 52th game
 竹松高校The 104th game
 山口高校The 105th game
The 53th game
The 27th game
The 14th game
 広島高校The 106th game
 パパラピーズの親戚高校泡銭The 107th game
The 54th game
 滝川育英高等学校The 108th game
 金燐高校The 109th game
The 55th game
The 28th game
 クエルボ高The 110th game
 増走高校The 111th game
The 56th game
 猫の肉球高校The 112th game
 実は園芸部The 113th game
The 57th game
The 29th game
The 15th game
The 8th game
 仁保The 114th game
 ノビ高校The 115th game
The 58th game
 タン塩高校The 116th game
 行橋高校The 117th game
The 59th game
The 30th game
  BOSS高校 The 118th game
 山田第一高校The 119th game
The 60th game
 市立船橋 天才高校2船橋The 120th game
 長野高校長野The 121th game
The 61th game
The 31th game
The 16th game
 かかかか高校The 122th game
 くま高校くまThe 123th game
The 62th game
 和田高校The 124th game
 ウンパルンパです高校The 125th game
The 63th game
The 32th game
 瀬戸内工業瀬工The 126th game
 読売ジャイアンツThe 127th game
The 64th game
 ぜふ高校The 128th game
 Possible start time
Current: Before the start
★1th round2024-04-26 00:00:00
2th round2024-04-26 13:20:00
3th round2024-04-27 02:40:00
4th round2024-04-27 16:00:00
5th round2024-04-28 05:20:00
6th round2024-04-28 18:40:00
Quarterfinal2024-04-29 08:00:00
Semifinals2024-04-29 21:20:00
Final2024-04-30 10:40:00


The 31th Tournament Team Results

The Official Game(自動進行) Back Return to Top